御宅屋的备用站为 精品御宅屋

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I start a travel called 'family'.名为‘家’的崭新旅途。”



“Luxury cruise, drop in busy city.豪华船只,忙碌城市。

This is where our lovely new life born.这是我们新生命诞生的地方。

Then years away homeland, our dream come true.离乡十年,梦想实现。

The place called 'home', only left me and him.名为‘家’的一方,只剩我与他。

Forest alternating in four seasons.四季交替的树林,

Watching only beside the window, (with unknow future.)在窗内观看(未知的未来)

recalling the infinity time we meet.回忆第无数次我们的相遇。

Visited by acquaintance and strangers.熟悉又陌生之人的探访,

New goal already been pushed.新的目标已经被找到,

I will going away my home again.我将再一次远离家乡远去。”



“Agreement with you, still in obeyed.与你约定,仍在遵守。

Our new life is growing up.新的生命已经逐渐长大。

There's one day, thing will goes end.终有一天,一切结束。

Going back to seaside home, with 'family'与这个‘家’,重回故乡的小镇。”



第115章 第二年,向着‘前面’迈进

维勇夫夫两人刚走出酒店没多远,打算去到塔林沿海的湾边,寻找一个海风不怎么强, 没什么人景色又美的角落,然后再把他们的儿子叫出来, 让他放松一下心情开心一点的。

结果没想到, 还在路上的他们就接到了尤里奥的电话,说迪兰在房间里面突然哭了, 并且怎么哄都哄不好。

两人急忙打断原本的行程安排, 赶回去酒店。